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Modify Breathing

Power Type

Modifies how the entity that has the power breathes.

Type ID: eggolib:modify_breathing


The base values for gaining and losing air is 4 and 1 respectively.


Field Type Default Description
breathable_block_condition Block Condition Type Determines which block the entity will be able to breathe in.
breathing_status_effect Identifier optional If specified, the entity will be able to maintain their breath if they have this status effect.
breathing_status_effects Array of Identifiers optional If specified, the entity will be able to maintain their breath if they have one of these status effects.
gain_air_modifier Attribute Modifier optional If specified, this modifier will be applied to the air gained by breathing in a breathable block.
gain_air_modifiers Array of Attribute Modifiers optional If specified, these modifiers will be applied to the air gained by breathing in a breathable block.
gain_air_interval Positive Integer 1 Determines how frequent should the entity gain air.
lose_air_modifier Attribute Modifier optional If specified, this modifier will be applied to the air lost by not breathing in a breathable block.
lose_air_modifiers Array of Attribute Modifiers optional If specified, these modifiers will be applied to the air lost by not breathing in a breathable block.
lose_air_interval Positive Integer 1 Determines how frequent should the entity lose air.
damage_source Damage Source optional If specified, this damage source will be used instead when dealing damage to the entity upon not being able to breathe.
damage_modifier Attribute Modifier optional If specified, this modifier will be applied to the damage dealt to the entity upon not being able to breathe.
damage_modifiers Array of Attribute Modifiers optional If specified, these modifiers will be applied to the damage dealt to the entity upon not being able to breathe.
damage_interval Positive Integer 20 Determines how frequent the damage should be dealt to the entity upon not being able to breathe.
particle Particle Effect optional If specified, this particle will be emitted instead upon being damaged for not being able to breathe.
ignore_respiration Boolean false Determines whether the power should ignore the effects of the Respiration enchantment.
priority Integer 0 Determines the priority of the power. The power with the highest priority value will be used.


    "type": "eggolib:modify_breathing",
    "breathable_block_condition": {
        "type": "apoli:fluid",
        "fluid_condition": {
            "type": "apoli:in_tag",
            "tag": "minecraft:lava"

This example will make the entity only be able to breathe in Lava.

    "type": "eggolib:modify_breathing",
    "breathable_block_condition": {
        "type": "apoli:fluid",
        "fluid_condition": {
            "type": "apoli:in_tag",
            "tag": "minecraft:water"
    "breathing_status_effect": "minecraft:water_breathing",
    "lose_air_modifier": {
        "operation": "addition",
        "value": 3

This example will make the entity only be able to breathe in Water unless they have the Water Breathing status effect, which they can use to breathe on land.