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Modify Bounciness

Power Type

Modifies the bounciness of the block the entity has landed on.

Type ID: eggolib:modify_bounciness


The base value for reducing the velocity of the entity upon bouncing is 0.8, which is later inverted to negative.


Field Type Default Description
entity_action Entity Action Type optional If specified, this action will be executed on the entity upon bouncing.
block_action Block Action Type optional If specified, this action will be executed on the block the entity landed on.
block_condition Block Condition Type optional If specified, only blocks that fulfill this condition will have its bounciness modified.
modifier Attribute Modifier optional If specified, this modifier will be applied on the value used for reducing the velocity of the entity upon bouncing.
modifiers Array of Attribute Modifiers optional If specified, these modifiers will be applied on the value used for reducing the velocity of the entity upon bouncing.


    "type": "eggolib:modify_bounciness",
    "block_condition": {
        "type": "apoli:block",
        "block": "minecraft:sponge"

This example will make Sponge blocks bouncy like Slime blocks.

    "type": "eggolib:modify_bounciness",
    "block_action": {
        "type": "apoli:set_block",
        "block": "minecraft:sand"
    "block_condition": {
        "type": "apoli:block",
        "block": "minecraft:gravel"

This example will make Gravel blocks bouncy like Slime blocks, while also replacing the Gravel block the entity has landed on with a Sand block.