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Power Type

Grants the entity that has the power invisibility, which may or may not affect their armor.

Type ID: eggolib:invisibility


In the context of this power type, the 'target' entity is the entity that has the power whilst the 'actor' entities are the players that can see the 'target' entity.


Field Type Default Description
bientity_condition Bi-entity Condition Type optional If specified, the 'target' entity will only be invisible to the 'actor' entities if this condition is fulfilled by either or both 'actor' and 'target' entities.
render_armor Boolean false Determines if the armor should also be invisible.
render_outline Boolean false Determines if the glowing outline should also be invisible.


    "type": "eggolib:invisibility",
    "render_armor": false

This example will make the entity that has the power invisible to all entities.

    "type": "eggolib:invisibility",
    "bientity_condition": {
        "type": "apoli:actor_condition",
        "condition": {
            "type": "apoli:power",
            "power": "*:*"
        "inverted": true
    "render_armor": false

This example will make the entity that has the power invisible to entities. The entity will also be invisible to players that do not have the power.