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Action on Key Sequence

Power Type

Executes an action upon pressing certain keybinds in a certain sequence.

Type ID: eggolib:action_on_key_sequence


Field Type Default Description
success_action Entity Action Type optional If specified, this action will be executed if the player succeeded to press the specified keybinds in the specified sequence.
fail_action Entity Action Type optional If specified, this action will be executed if the player failed to press the specified keybinds in the specified sequence.
cooldown Integer 0 Interval of ticks this power needs to recharge before the power can be triggered again.
hud_render HUD Render {"should_render": false} Determines how the cooldown for this power is visualized on the HUD.
keys Array of Functional Keys Determines the keys to be used for completing the sequence.
key_sequence Array of Keys Determines the sequence to be completed by the player.


    "type": "eggolib:action_on_key_sequence",
    "success_action": {
        "type": "apoli:heal",
        "amount": 4
    "cooldown": 100,
    "hud_render": {
        "should_render": true
    "keys": [
            "key": "key.jump",
            "continuous": false,
            "action": {
                "type": "apoli:execute_command",
                "command": "me jumped!"
    "key_sequence": [

This example will heal the player with 4 health points (or 2 hearts) upon the player pressing the key.attack and key.jump keybinds in a key.attack -> key.attack -> key.jump sequence.

    "type": "eggolib:action_on_key_sequence",
    "success_action": {
        "type": "apoli:execute_command",
        "command": "me casted 'KONAMI CODE'!"
    "fail_action": {
        "type": "apoli:damage",
        "source": {
            "name": "generic"
        "amount": 10
    "cooldown": 200,
    "hud_render": {
        "should_render": true
    "keys": [
            "key": "key.jump",
            "action": {
                "type": "apoli:execute_command",
                "command": "say UP"
            "key": "key.sneak",
            "action": {
                "type": "apoli:execute_command",
                "command": "say DOWN"
            "key": "key.left",
            "action": {
                "type": "apoli:execute_command",
                "command": "say LEFT"
            "key": "key.right",
            "action": {
                "type": "apoli:execute_command",
                "command": "say RIGHT"
            "key": "key.attack",
            "action": {
                "type": "apoli:execute_command",
                "command": "say A (Attack)"
            "key": "key.use",
            "action": {
                "type": "apoli:execute_command",
                "command": "say B (Use)"
    "key_sequence": [

This example will notify all players that the player that has the power has "casted 'KONAMI CODE'!" if the player in question has pressed the key.jump, key.sneak, key.left, key.right, key.attack and key.use keybinds in the classic KONAMI CODE sequence. (UP (key.jump) -> UP (key.jump) -> DOWN (key.sneak) -> DOWN (key.sneak) -> LEFT (key.left) -> RIGHT (key.right) -> LEFT (key.left) -> RIGHT (key.right) -> B (key.use) -> A (key.attack))