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Action on Block Place

Power Type

Executes an action upon placing a block.

Type ID: eggolib:action_on_block_place


Field Type Default Description
entity_action Entity Action Type optional If specified, this action will be executed on the player upon placing a block.
held_item_action Item Action Type optional If specified, this action will be executed on the item the player has used to place a block.
result_item_action Item Action Type optional If specified, this action will be executed on the item that will be given to the player upon placing a block.
place_to_action Block Action Type optional If specified, this action will be executed at the position of the block the player has placed.
place_on_action Block Action Type optional If specified, this action will be executed on the block the player placed a block on.
item_condition Item Condition Type optional If specified, only execute the specified actions if the item the player has used to place a block fulfills this condition.
place_to_condition Block Condition Type optional If specified, only execute the specified actions if the old block at the position of the new block the player has placed fulfills this condition.
place_on_condition Block Condition Type optional If specified, only execute the specified actions if the block the player placed a block on fulfills this condition.
directions Array of Strings ["up", "down", "north", "south", "east", "west"] Determines if the specified actions should be executed if the player has placed a block at the specified side(s) of a block.
hands Array of Strings ["main_hand", "off_hand"] Determines if the specified actions should be executed if the player has attempted to place a block using the specified hand(s).
result_stack Item Stack optional If specified, this item will be given to the player upon placing a block.


    "type": "eggolib:action_on_block_place",
    "entity_action": {
        "type": "apoli:execute_command",
        "command": "me placed a Dragon Egg!"
    "item_condition": {
        "type": "apoli:ingredient",
        "ingredient": {
            "item": "minecraft:dragon_egg"

This example will announce to all players that the player that has the power has placed a Dragon Egg if the player in question did place a Dragon Egg.

    "type": "eggolib:action_on_block_place",
    "entity_action": {
        "type": "apoli:heal",
        "amount": 2
    "place_to_action": {
        "type": "apoli:set_block",
        "block": "minecraft:air"
    "item_condition": {
        "type": "apoli:ingredient",
        "ingredient": {
            "tag": "minecraft:wool"
    "place_on_condition": {
        "type": "apoli:block",
        "block": "minecraft:diamond_block"
    "directions": [

This example will heal the player that has the power if the player in question places a Wool block on top of a Diamond Block.