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Meta Action Type

Executes an action for the specified amount of iterations.

Type ID: eggolib:loop


Field Type Default Description
before_action Action Type optional If specified, this action will be executed before the loop starts.
action Action Type optional If specified, this action will be executed for each iteration of the loop.
after_action Action Type optional If specified, this action will be executed after the loop ends.
score Scoreboard optional If specified, this value will be used as the amount of iterations for the loop.
value Integer optional If specified and if score is not specified, this value will be used as the amount of iterations for the loop.


"entity_action": {
    "type": "eggolib:loop",
    "action": {
        "type": "apoli:execute_command",
        "command": "say Hello!"
    "value": 3

This example will make the entity that invoked the action say "Hello!" thrice.

"entity_action": {
    "type": "eggolib:loop",
    "action": {
        "type": "apoli:heal",
        "amount": 2
    "score": {
        "name": "amountOfHeals",
        "objective": "example"

This example will heal the entity that invoked the action depending on the score of the amountOfHeals score holder in the example scoreboard objective. If it doesn't exist, the action will simply do nothing.

"entity_action": {
    "type": "eggolib:loop",
    "before_action": {
        "type": "apoli:execute_command",
        "command": "tag @s add temp"
    "action": {
        "type": "apoli:heal",
        "amount": 2
    "after_action": {
        "type": "apoli:execute_command",
        "command": "tag @s remove temp"
    "score": {
        "name": "@e[tag = temp, limit = 1]",
        "objective": "example"

This example will heal the entity that invoked the action depending on the score of the said entity in the example scoreboard objective.