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Item Condition Type

Checks whether the item is a tool or if it's an instance of a certain tool type.

Type ID: eggolib:tool


Field Type Default Description
tool_type String optional If specified, the condition will evaluate to true if the item is an instance of this tool type. Accepts one of "axe", "hoe", "pickaxe", "shovel", "sword" and "shears".
tool_types Array of Strings optional If specified, the condition will evaluate to true if the item is an instance of one of these tool types. Accepts "axe", "hoe", "pickaxe", "shovel", "sword" and "shears".


"item_condition": {
    "type": "eggolib:tool",
    "tool_type": "sword"

This example will check if the item is a Sword.

"item_condition": {
    "type": "eggolib:tool",
    "tool_types": [

This example will check if the item is either an Axe or a Pickaxe.