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Item Condition Type

Checks whether the item is enchanted.

Type ID: eggolib:enchantment


Field Type Default Description
enchantment Identifier optional If specified, the condition will check if the item has this specific enchantment.
comparison Comparison ">=" Determines how the level of the specified enchantment is compared to the specified value. If enchantment is not present, this will determine how the count of available enchantments in the item is compared to the specified value instead.
compare_to Integer 1 The specified value to compare the level of the specified enchantment to. If enchantment is not present, this will be compared to the count of available enchantments in the item instead.


"item_condition": {
    "type": "eggolib:enchantment",
    "comparison": ">=",
    "compare_to": 1

This example will check if the item has one or more enchantments.

"item_condition": {
    "type": "eggolib:enchantment",
    "enchantment": "minecraft:mending",
    "comparison": "==",
    "compare_to": 1

This example will check if the item has the Mending I enchantment.