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Permission Level

Entity Condition Type

Checks if the entity has the specified permission level.

Type ID: eggolib:permission_level


This may not work properly in singleplayer.


Field Type Default Description
comparison Comparison ">=" Determines how the permission level of the entity should be compared to the specified value.
compare_to Integer 2 The value which the permission level of the entity should be compared to.


"condition": {
    "type": "eggolib:permission_level",
    "comparison": ">=",
    "compare_to": 1

This example will check if the entity is opped in general.

"condition": {
    "type": "eggolib:permission_level",
    "comparison": "==",
    "compare_to": 4

This example will check if the entity has a permission level of 4, which is the highest permission level.