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In Block

Entity Condition Type

Checks if the entity's feet or eyes is in a block.

Type ID: eggolib:in_block


Field Type Default Description
block_condition Block Condition Type The condition to test on the block at the entity's specified offset.
offset Entity Offset "feet" Determines the offset of where the condition should check for the block.


"condition": {
    "type": "eggolib:in_block",
    "block_condition": {
        "type": "apoli:block",
        "block": "minecraft:water"

This example will check if the entity's feet is in water.

"condition": {
    "type": "eggolib:in_block",
    "block_condition": {
        "type": "apoli:block",
        "block": "minecraft:lava"
    "offset": "eyes"

This example will check if the entity's eyes is in lava.