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Spawn Entity

Entity Action Type

Spawns an entity.

Type ID: eggolib:spawn_entity


This action type can spawn in entities with passengers.


Field Type Default Description
entity_type Identifier The identifier of the entity that will be spawned.
tag String optional If specified, this NBT data will be added to the entity that will be spawned.
entity_action Entity Action Type optional If specified, this action will be executed on the entity that will be spawned.


"entity_action": {
    "type": "eggolib:spawn_entity",
    "entity_type": "minecraft:skeleton",
    "tag": "{ArmorItems: [{}, {}, {}, {id: \"minecraft:iron_helmet\", Count: 1b}]}"

This example will spawn a Skeleton with an Iron Helmet.

"entity_action": {
    "type": "eggolib:spawn_entity",
    "entity_type": "minecraft:skeleton_horse",
    "tag": "{Passengers: [{id: \"minecraft:skeleton\", ArmorItems: [{}, {}, {}, {id: \"minecraft:golden_helmet\", Count: 1b}]}]}"

This example will spawn a Skeleton Horse with a Skeleton passenger equipped with a Golden Helmet.