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Replace Inventory

Entity Action Type

Replaces the item(s) from either the entity's inventory or a power that uses the Inventory (Power Type) or Origins/Apoli's Inventory (Power Type).

Type ID: eggolib:replace_inventory


Field Type Default Description
inventory_type Inventory Type "inventory" Determines whether to replace the items from the inventory of the entity or the inventory of a power present in the entity.
entity_action Entity Action optional If specified, this action will be executed on the entity before the items are replaced.
item_action Item Action optional If specified, this action will be executed on the affected items after the said items are replaced.
item_condition Item Condition optional If specified, only items which fulfill this condition will be replaced.
slot Identifier optional If specified, only items in the designated slot will be replaced. See Positioned Item Stack Slots for possible values.
slots Array of Identifiers optional If specified, only items in the designated slots will be replaced. See Positioned Item Stack Slots for possible values.
power Identifer optional If specified and if inventory_type is set to "power", the items in the inventory of this power will be replaced instead of the items in the entity's inventory.
stack Item Stack The item to use as a replacement for the affected items.
merge_nbt Boolean false Determines whether to merge the NBTs of the item that will be replaced and the NBTs of the item that will be used as a replacement.


"entity_action": {
    "type": "eggolib:replace_inventory",
    "stack": {
        "item": "minecraft:egg"

This example will fill the entire inventory of the entity with Eggs.

"entity_action": {
    "type": "eggolib:replace_inventory",
    "slots": [
    "stack": {
        "item": "minecraft:air"

This example will remove the items from the entity's off and main hands.

"entity_action": {
    "type": "eggolib:replace_inventory",
    "slot": "weapon.mainhand",
    "stack": {
        "item": "minecraft:wooden_sword",
        "tag": "{Enchantments: [{id: \"minecraft:mending\", lvl: 1s}]}"
    "merge_nbt": true

This example will replace the item from the entity's mainhand slot with a Wooden Sword enchanted with the Mending enchantment. If the previous item from the entity's mainhand slot had NBTs, those NBTs will be merged to the NBTs of the item used as a replacement.