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Modify Key Sequence

Entity Action Type

Modifies the current key sequence of a power that uses the Action on Key Sequence (Power Type) present on the entity that invoked the action.

Type ID: eggolib:modify_key_sequence


If index is less than or equal to -1, then it would refer to the last index of the current key sequence. Otherwise, if it's 0, then it would refer to the first index of the current key sequence.


Here's an explanation on how each operation works:

  • "append" - Adds the specified keys to the last index of the current key sequence.
  • "insert" - Inserts the specified keys to the specified index of the current key sequence.
  • "prepend" - Adds the specified keys to the first index of the current key sequence.
  • "remove" - Removes the specified keys from the current key sequence. If there are no keys specified, remove the key from the specified index instead.
  • "set" - Replace the current key sequence with the specified key sequence.


Field Type Default Description
power Identifier The namespace and ID of the power to modify its current key sequence of.
operation String "append" Determines how the specified keys are operated on the current key sequence of the specified power. Accepts "append", "insert", "prepend", "remove" or "set".
keys Array of Keys optional If specified, these keys will be used to modify the current key sequence of the specified power.
index Integer -1 The integer to use as the index when modifying the current key sequence of the specified power. Only used by the "insert" and "remove" operations.


"entity_action": {
    "type": "eggolib:modify_key_sequence",
    "power": "example:power",
    "operation": "set",
    "keys": []

This example will essentially clear the current key sequence of the example:power power.

"entity_action": {
    "type": "eggolib:modify_key_sequence",
    "power": "example:power",
    "operation": "remove"

This example will remove the key from the last index of the current key sequence of the example:power power.