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Calculate Resource

Entity Action Type

Calculates the value of a power that uses the Resource (Power Type) from the value of another power that uses the Resource (Power Type).

Type ID: eggolib:calculate_resource


Field Type Default Description
target Identifier The namespace, path and ID of the power to calculate the value of.
operation Math Operation "add" Determines how the value of the source power will be calculated to the value of the target power.
source Identifier The namespace, path and ID of the power to use the value of.


"entity_action": {
    "type": "eggolib:calculate_resource",
    "target": "example:resource_a",
    "operation": "multiply",
    "source": "example:resource_b"

This example will multiply the value of the example:resource_a (data/example/powers/resource_a.json) power by the value of the example:resource_b (data/example/powers/resource_b.json) power.