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Damage Condition Type

Checks whether the damage source is projectile damage; can also optionally check the type(s) of projectile or its NBT.

Type ID: eggolib:projectile


Field Type Default Description
projectile Identifier optional If specified, the condition will evaluate to true if the projectile matches this entity type identifier.
projectiles Array of Identifiers optional If specified, the condition will evaluate to true if the projectile matches any of these entity type identifiers.
nbt String optional If specified, the condition will evaluate to true if the projectile has this NBT data.


"damage_condition": {
    "type": "eggolib:projectile",
    "nbt": "{Item: {tag: {heavyProjectile: 1b}}}"

This example will check if the damage source is of a projectile that has the {Item: {tag: {heavyProjectile: 1b}}} NBT.

"damage_condition": {
    "type": "eggolib:projectile",
    "projectiles": [

This example will check if the damage source is of a projectile that's either an Arrow, a Spectral Arrow, a Snowball or a Llama Spit.