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Damage Condition Type

Checks the NBT of the entity of the damage source.

Type ID: eggolib:nbt


If the damage source does not originate from an entity, then this condition type will evaluate to false.


Field Type Default Description
nbt String The NBT data to check for.


"damage_condition": {
    "type": "eggolib:nbt",
    "nbt": "{Tags: [\"hitter\"]}"

This example will check if the entity of the damage source has a hitter tag added via the /tag command.

"damage_condition": {
    "type": "apoli:and",
    "conditions": [
            "type": "apoli:projectile",
            "projectile": "minecraft:snowball"
            "type": "eggolib:nbt",
            "nbt": "{Item: {tag: {customProjectile: 1b}}}"

This example will check if the damage source originated from a Snowball projectile that has a customProjectile item NBT with a value of 1b.